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Tuesday, 30 Apr 2024

How to read educational literature


Vera Olkhovskaya

I do not want to leave behind the scenes of discussions of my books the comments of readers of the following content:

“nothing is clear”, “very difficult”, “everything is so confusing”, “a lot of unfamiliar words, you need to write in human language” ...

In the course of the research conducted by the author, it turned out that many respected readers CANNOT READ SPECIAL LITERATURE.


To thoroughly understand this issue, let us turn to the experience of people receiving education remotely, as well as the experience of foreign language teachers and speech pathologists working with special children. The experience of all these people, it turns out, is largely similar.

So, work on a “complex” book or article is divided into several stages.

Stage 1: reading. We read and find unfamiliar words that we comprehend, find on the Internet or write out if intuitive understanding is difficult.

Stage 2: visualization. We read again and try to imagine a picture or a sequence of pictures. Key phrases are highlighted with a colored marker.

Stage 3: clarification. We try to comprehend and repeat what we read, we read again to clarify the details ...

In general, up to 5 - 6 readings. The task of this approach is to create an associative series of impressions, since only through it is understanding and memorization possible.

Thus, you can read any "difficult to digest" literature.

The only negative point, yours, no one else will be able to read books after you: explanations of words will appear in the margins, links to other pages (what you liked, where the author is really wrong), everything will be painted in different colors, colored stickers will stick out of the edge ...

In addition to the topic of how to read educational literature, we recommend that you look at:

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